Keith Moon wakes up all alone in a totally white room that is filled with musical instruments. A door opens up, and Jimi Hendrix walks in. He picks up a guitar, sits down next to Keith, and starts jamming the blues. Every couple of minutes the door opens and another dead musician walks through the door, grabs an instrument, and joins in the jamming. After a while, Moon turns to Jimi and says, "I get it. I've died and gone to rock and roll heaven." Jimi says, "Heaven? This ain't heaven..." Just then the door opens up one final time. Karen Carpenter walks in, sits behind the drum kit and says, "Alright everybody, "Close to You." Uh one, uh two, uh three...."
"The proposals within the sections titled "Fighting Climate Change" and "Carbon Markets" are fundamentally incompatible with the President’s approach to climate change.
The text above shows clearly that the Bush administration torpedoes the plans of reducing climate-gas emission by half by the end of 2050, as proposed on this last G8-summit. In other words; the 28% of the Americans still in favour of the president's actions are now directly involved in killing us all, and probably all life as we know it.
Shock Value is Waters' autobiography, and it's full of amazing stories of low-budget filmmaking, strange passions, and bizarre acts. (It tells the true story of Divine eating the dog doo in Pink Flamingos. See the clip - not for the faint of heart!) Sadly, it's quite outdated, as it ends before the production of Waters' mainstream breakthrough, Polyester (1981). Waters should be a role model for us all. Thanks to Difficult Listening. Get the audio version of the book here.
Cambodian Rock 2 & 3 + Thai-Beat vol. 2 & 3. These two compilations hold some boring tracks, but the gems... oh, what gems. My favourite track is from Thai Beat A Go-Go Vol. 2 - Kotmorn Yoop Yap (All Shook Up) - Sakarin Boonpit. It is up there alongside Eilert Pilarm and Mrs. Miller. Very very fun stuff. Cambodians go here, and Thai go here. Info on this kind of hip Asian grooves here.
Former US president Jimmy Carter unleashed a torrent of criticism against George Bush and Tony Blair over the weekend, in which he accused the Bush presidency of being the "worst in history" and said Mr Blair's support had been abominable and subservient. Continue reading (Guardian UK)
So what is so interesting about this release from this band that you probably never heard of? Hillbilly Hellcats sound alot like Reverend Horton Heat before they got boring and repetitive - that is to say, when they were still recording for sub:pop (yup, that grunge label). The tightness of early Reverend Horton Heat had much to do with their then drummer Taz Bentley, who's drum works really made a difference. I'm not saying RHH's present drummer Scot Churilla is a lesser drummer, on the contrary - he is excellent too! Taz Bentley and his signature ostinatos + tam-rolls are very present indeed on «Rev It Up With Taz». It is also a very funny and fot-tappin' record. So for a prelisten only (!) go to The Twilight Zone and pick up a copy. Buy it here!
Noam Chomsky from 2004 and Eva-Maria Hagen from 1997. Chomsky needs no further introduction. Mrs Hagen is the mother of the infamous Nina Hagen, self titulated «queen of punk rock» You'll find'em both over at Zero G Sound. Enjoy.
There has never been a recording artist quite like Marcy Tigner. Equal parts gospel singer, children's entertainer, amateur ventriloquist, and cottage industry, during the 1960s and 1970s Tigner released some 40-odd LPs, books, toys, and souvenirs showcasing the devoutly Christian messages she transmitted via her impossibly high, childlike singing voice and her impossibly freaky ventriloquist dummy Little Marcy. Though largely inactive from the 1980s onward, she retained a large fan following, although in latter years her core audience counted far fewer Sunday school students than collectors of so-called "incredibly strange music."
Statoil and Hydro have approved the corporate signature for YoOldShitrat. The signature will be adopted as soon as the planned merger has been completed and will be used until a new name and logo are available. "We have emphasised that the corporate signature should identify the company in a good and overall manner, unifying all employees of YoOldShitrat once the merger is implemented," says Reidar Gjærum, who will be head of communication in the merged company. The visual identity can be easily harmonised with today's material from both Statoil and Hydro. The new colours will function well with existing profiles in both companies. YoOldShitrat's corporate signature will be adopted once the new company has been established. Norsk Hydro's former logo resembles the sails of a viking ship. Appropriate for a company that plunders the earth and wouldn't give a toss about health hazards or environmental issues. See this story from Iceland.
It was strictly in the interest of science whereby the US Geological Service teamed up with the British oil giant BP and Statoil, a huge Norwegian oil conglomerate, to do a survey on global warming, especially in the Arctic. Since they believe they might find some oil under the ice, they decided, apparently as an afterthought, that as long as they were there anywhere, they might as well look for a little oil while they were at it. (If you believe that, I have a lovely bridge just waiting for you to buy.) See this Guardian story.
The Norwegian Oil Fund, will reach 2 trillion (2 000 000 000 000) Norwegian Kroner by the end of 2007. (Norwegian uses the term "Billion" for the English equivalent of "trillion") or in plain numbers $333.600.213.504,- Five years ago the author Edward O. Wilson made a bold proposition in his book ”The Future of Life”. «Why not use 300 billion kroner to buy the rest of the endangered rain forests and coral reefs?» Why not indeed! The Norwegian Oil Fund has almost quadrupled in value since 2002... I realise it is a weighty consideration, either saving the world - or making sure that Norwegians have a vast supply of oxygen in tanks for their autumn years. Vikings all right!
Inspired by my last post - you can't escape the "Famous Five" series created by Enid Blyton. The Famous Five are a group of children who have the sort of adventures most kids dream about, in a world where ginger beer flows and ham rolls are a staple diet. The Comic Stripmade a nice spoof on the genre with titles such as «Five Go Mad On Mescaline» and «Five Go Mad In Dorset» - partly written by Lee Child. Watch the Five Go Mad On MescalineHere. (Youtube - 1983 starring Adrian Edmonson, Jennifer Saunders, Dawn French, Peter Richardson and more)
[Gordon becomes a hobo.] Gordon and his family are passing through Copenhagen on their way to spend their summer vacation in Spain. Gordon gets left behind by accident at the train station in the Danish capital. He wonders if he'll spend the night alone at the station, but then he meets Klaus... Besides being a substance abuser, Klaus is homeless too. And so a night out of the ordinary commences. Recommended for kids 8-11.
Well they didn't make books like this when i was a kid. We had stuff like the "Bobbsey Twins" and their numerous dull adventures, Tarzan and Nancy Drew. Literature that could only be harmful if thrown with malice of forethought towards the facial region of some unsuspected person.
If you're into literature, fantasy, Jungianism, Tolkien and fairy-tales - you will love this essay by Ursula K Le Guin, taken from her 1979 collection of essays "Language of the Night" called The Child and the Shadow (pdf) (page order reversed, start p. 6)
Imagine if you will, a picture of an album cover - that when touched - takes you to the realms of great music, only in the Dimmu Zone... Thanks to My Wife Of Sennacherib Is Radiosick Queen for these two. And if you wonder whats on these boots then go to the Zappa Patio, or simply «click» your way to the bootleg index.
Wikipedia: The Twilight Zone was a 2002 nationally syndicated radio adaptation of the classic television series The Twilight Zone. Many of the stories were based on Rod Serling's scripts from the original Twilight Zone series, and were slightly expanded and updated to reflect contemporary technology and trends (e.g., the mention of "cell phones" and "CD-ROMs" which, of course, weren't around when the television show aired in the 1960s). Taking Serling's role as narrator was Stacy Keach. A different Hollywood actor and actress, such as Blair Underwood and James Caviezel, took the lead role in each radio drama. The radio series was produced by the Falcon Picture Group and scripts from the original Twilight Zone were adapted by Dennis Etchison (one episode by Chas Holloway). In Britain it has been heard on the digital channel BBC 7. In the United States, it airs mainly in small markets (with the occasional large market) late at night. It also airs regularly on Sirius satellite radio channel 118, "Radio Classics". Though production has ceased, the shows continue to be syndicated and air weekly.
Browse the otr-messageboard to fin the radio episodes. You might even like this cheesy Manhattan Transfer ditty "Twilight Zone - Twilight Tone"