Harry: Stefan! Stefan: Ja, Harry! Harry: Wie heißt du eigentlich mit zweitem Vornamen, Stefan? Stefan: Harry, Harry! Harry: Harry Harry, Stefan? Stefan: Nein, Stefan Harry Derrick, Harry! Harry: Stefan Harry Derrick Harry, Stefan? Stefan: Nein, nur Stefan Harry Derrick, Harry! Harry: Ich verstehe Stefan! Stefan: Das glaube ich nicht, Harry! Harry, hast du auch einen zweiten Vornamen, Harry? Harry: Stefan, Stefan! Stefan: Stefan Stefan, Harry? Harry: Nein, nicht Stefan Stefan, Stefan! Harry Stefan Klein, Stefan! Stefan: Meine Mutter nannte mich immer klein Stefan, Harry! Harry: Dein Mutter nannte dich klein Stefan Harry , Stefan? Stefan: Nein! Sie nannte mich klein Stefan, Harry Stefan Klein! Harry: Deine Mutter nannte dich klein Stefan Harry Stefan Klein Stefan Harry Derrick? Stefan: Harry! Harry: Stefan! Stefan: Halt schon mal die Klappe, Harry!
This is the food of Paradise – of Baudelaire’s Artificial Paradises: It might provide entertaining refreshment for a Ladies Bridge Club or a chapter meeting of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). In Morocco it is thought to be good for warding off the common cold in damp winter weather and is, indeed, more effective if taken with large quantities of hot mint tea. Euphoria and brilliant storms of laughter; ecstatic reveries and extensions of one’s personality on several simultaneous planes are to be complacently expected. Almost anything Saint Theresa did, you can do better if you can bear to be ravished by an ‘un évanouissment reveillé’.
Take 1 teaspoon black peppercorns, 1 whole nutmeg, 4 average sticks of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon coriander. These should all be pulverized in a mortar. About a handful each of de-stoned dates, dried figs, shelled almonds and peanuts: chop these and mix them together. A bunch of cannabis sativa can be pulverized. This along with the spices should be dusted over the mixed fruit and nuts, kneaded together. About a cup of sugar dissolved in a big pat of butter. Rolled into a cake and cut into pieces or made into balls about the size of a walnut, it should be eaten with care. Two pieces are quite sufficient.
Obtaining the cannabis may present certain difficulties, but the variety known as cannabis sativa grows as a common weed, often unrecognized, everyone in Europe, Asia and parts of Africa; besides being cultivated as a crop for the manufacture of rope. In the Americas, while often discouraged, its cousin, called cannabis indica, has been observed even in city window boxes. It should be picked and dried as soon as it has gone to seed and while the plant is still green. Taken from http://www.subrosa.arbre.us/SubRosaBrownies.html)
Today this would be an extremely expensive dessert, with high quality marijuana from the legendary Humboldt County, California reputedly going for $300 an ounce.
The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy act of the mid 20th century best known for their numerous short subject films. They were commonly known by their first names: 'Moe, Larry, & Curly', and 'Moe, Larry, & Shemp', among other lineups. The act originally featured Moe Howard (born Harry Moses Horwitz), brother Shemp Howard (born Samuel Horwitz), and longtime friend Larry Fine (born Louis Feinberg). Shemp was later replaced by brother Curly Howard (born Jerome Lester Horwitz) in 1932. When Curly suffered a debilitating stroke in 1946, Shemp rejoined the act. After Shemp's death in 1955, he was replaced by baldheaded comedian Joe Besser, and eventually by Joe "Curly-Joe" DeRita (born Joseph Wardell). After Larry's death, Emil Sitka, a longtime actor in Stooge comedies, was contracted to replace Larry, but no film was ever made with him in the role, although publicity photographs exist of him with his hair combed like Larry's posing with Moe and Curly-Joe prior to Moe's death. Larry's death marked the end of the act.
The Stooges' hallmark was extremely physical slapstick comedy punctuated by one-liners, within outrageous storylines.
1. The Alphabet Song 2. Three Little Fishies (Itty Bitty Poo) 3. The Aba Daba Honeymoon 4. The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down (the "Looney Tunes" theme) 5. Two Little Birdies 6. The Children's Marching Song ("with a knick-knack, paddy-whack, give the dog a bone, this old man came rolling home" ) 7. Peggy O'Neil 8. Chickery Chick 9. Play A Simple Melody 10. Old Mac Donald Had A Farm 11. Mairzy Doats ("mares eat oats, and does eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy … Oh! Mairzy Doats …" ) 12. Give Thanks ("give thanks, every day, when you kneel and pray, give thanks for your blessings each day …" ) Get it Here at DeaconBlues1103